A Few Tips To Prepare Your Garden For Winter

Posted on: 28/11/2014

In the UK we are used to the bad weather that comes with winter. We like to complain about it but the truth is that if it was any warmer we'd moan it was too hot and if it was to constantly snow we'd say it was too cold. The great thing about our average, rainy winters is that we don't have to put the garden ‘to bed’ - our gardens will continue to grow and thrive well into a mild December. To help keep your garden cared for as we head towards Christmas, be sure to follow our simple garden maintenance advice.

Keep it tidy

While we want to stay inside during winter, try and make the time to get out in the garden and keep it looking nice. A tidy and well-cared for garden is going to be more attractive than one that is wild and overgrowing, full of rubbish and all sorts of other mess.

  • Rake away leaves: Now that autumn is almost over most of the trees are bound to have finished shedding their leaves. While they will naturally bio-degrade over the winter it is not a bad idea to get out there to rake away the leaves yourself. Leaves also make great compost so consider gathering and storing them for a nice reward next year too.
  • Clear away dead plants: Not every plant will be able to make it through winter and some may have already bitten the dust. Clear away the old plants to make way for the next batch – consider leaving those plants that have seed heads though as these will help keep birds flocking to your garden.
  • Neaten up borders and prepare the soil: Along with removing the old plants, you can also neaten up the borders of your garden and dig-in compost to your soil while you have the empty space.

Protect those plants

In-case the weather should take a turn for the worst and we have one of those often predicted, but never realised, snowy winters it is worth thinking about protecting your plants and lawn.

  • Cover up the tender plants: If you have plants that you know are more susceptible to the cold you can consider protecting them with a sheet or other covering. Keep an eye out on the weather and plan accordingly.
  • Remember the grass: Grass is a plant like any other, it needs caring for just as much as those in your flower bed. Keep mowing your lawn regularly if needed but take care not to cut it too short and scalp the grass.

Get ready for next year

The last piece of advice that we can offer is to keep next year in mind. As much as you protect your garden now to make it last through the winter you have to be ready for the new wave of gardening that will arrive in the spring. Considering what plants you want in your garden now can save you time going forward and there are even some that you can plant now so that they are ready to bloom as early as possible – you might even forget about them and be in for a nice surprise in a few months time.

Alternatively, if you are looking for a low maintenance option, consider a full garden landscaping. Converting your garden into a combination of paving and nature can add a level of sophistication to your home as well as making looking after your garden a much easier task.

Feel free to contact us at Knight’s Landscaping on 01603 360548 or drop us an email to enquiries@knightslandscaping.co.uk, we can arrange a visit where we can offer free advice on how best to transform your garden.

Caring for low maintenance gardens

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