Creating A Low-Maintenance Garden

Posted on: 23/10/2014

While we would all love to have a big, open and expansive garden, sometimes maintaining them can become a long and difficult process. With a lawn to mow, hedges to trim and plants to water, the amount of effort that needs to be put into them can outweigh the benefits. An alternative to a large garden with fewer drawbacks is to consider full garden landscaping, replacing your lawn with paving.

When to consider a low-maintenance garden

No matter how much you love your garden and want to keep it looking in top condition, there will come times when you are no longer able to keep on top of the work. Sometimes life will just get in the way and you won’t have the time needed to do the work, other times you may be unable to work on your garden for other reasons including:

  • When gardening in older age.
  • When gardening with a disability.
  • When raising a family.
  • When new to gardening.

If you are in any of the situations above then it may be worth investing in a low-maintenance, paved alternative so that your garden can still look attractive with less upkeep and time required.

Why pave your garden?

While there are ways to make your garden low-maintenance without paving the lawn, choosing to make this change will allow you to customise the look of your garden in a number of different ways.

  • Plenty of styles: There are many different types of paving slabs that you can choose from in a variety of colours to suit whatever styling needs that you may have.
  • Many different features: You don’t just have to settle for paving; you can also choose to add some gravel, loose stones and decking to help add some diversity to your garden. There are also patio areas and water features to consider too.
  • You can still keep plants and flowers: Choosing to place some potted plants outside or leaving space around the edges for some flower beds will allow you to keep your garden full of life.

Recent paving work

Last week we mentioned a recent project that we worked on in Mulbarton, near Norwich, where we replaced an old gravel driveway with a high quality paved alternative. As a part of this project we also paved their back garden, transforming its look and creating a garden that will require very little upkeep. The garden still looks stunning and full of nature while being much easier to maintain. There is still plenty of space to enjoy the garden and plenty of space for the owner to place potted plants and grow flowers around the edging.

If you would like a beautiful, low-maintenance garden be sure to consider the full-landscaping options that we offer at Knights. Feel free to contact us on 01603 360548 or send an e-mail to

Paved Garden

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