Enjoy Your Garden While You Can

Posted on: 26/09/2014

In just 5 days' time we will leave September and October will be upon us. As we etch ever closer towards winter the weather will start to get worse, the days will get shorter and the temperature will get colder. This means that now may be your last chance to make the most of the weather and head outside while you can.

Upcoming Weather

As we look ahead to the weekend and the following week, the weather is set to be fairly warm in the Norfolk area, still hitting 20 degrees during the day which is not bad for this time of year. It is also supposed to be fairly sunny, or at the very least not raining. Therefore, while it may not be as hot as the high temperatures we experienced during summer, it will still feel quite pleasant outside and worth taking the time to enjoy.

What can you do?

The weather might not be good enough to lie outside and work on your tan, but there is still plenty you can do as long as it's not raining. Here is a list of some different ways that you can enjoy your weekend:

  • Gardening: A simple dose of gardening is one of the most relaxing and practical things that you can do outside. Getting on top your lawn and bushes now is a great idea before it starts raining and you can't go outside to fix them up.
  • BBQ: Who says you can only have a BBQ in the summer? As long as the weather's nice it doesn't matter how warm it is, you can still fire-up the barbey and enjoy some lovely meals with the family.
  • Fun with kids: Get the kids outside and active while you can. Soon the weather will be so bad they have to let out their energy inside which can only end in disaster. Let them run around outside in the garden and get involved yourself - it's great fun.

If you think that your garden is in need of work, now is the best time to arrange doing it. At Knight's we offer our services as full garden landscapers to bring your simple piece of land to life and make your property stand out.

For all your paving and landscaping needs be sure to contact us on 01603 360548 or drop us an email to enquiries@knightslandscaping.co.uk.

Landscaped Garden

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