How to repair potholes in asphalt driveways

Posted on: 18/03/2014

Whilst asphalt makes a perfectly good driveway surface, over time a combination of regular use and the weather can cause cracks and potholes to develop. We are often asked by customers for the best ways to repair potholes in asphalt driveways and there are two options available.

In most instances we would recommend that the existing surface is dug out and a brand new system put in its place. This is exactly what we did when called to the home of a customer in Tacolneston, a village just south of Norwich.

The customer’s existing driveway was in poor condition and they were looking to get it resurfaced. As the surface is so susceptible to cracks and potholes it is important to ensure that the base is correct. In this instance we excavated the existing driveway, before installing a new 2 layer system.

The other option would have been an overlay, placing a new layer of tarmac directly on top of the existing surface. When done correctly there is nothing wrong with this option, though in our opinion a decent overlay is difficult to achieve and only ‘papers over the cracks’.

We would recommend that customers clarify exactly which of the two options will be carried out before allowing your contractor to begin. If you would like to arrange a free consultation where we can discuss the repair to your driveway, do not hesitate to contact us by calling 01603 360548.

Asphalt driveway in Norwich

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