Ideas For Small Gardens

Posted on: 11/09/2014

Go upwards

No garden is too small to be turned into the perfect place to spend a sunny afternoon. You may resign yourself to the idea that enjoying your garden is simply not possible and let that space go to waste. Fortunately, this is not the case – there are plenty of things that you can do with your garden and you’ll probably have more space than you realise. We have put together a list of ideas to style your garden and make it worth going outside again.

While your garden may be small length-wise and width-wise, remember that you can always go upwards. Even if you don’t have much floor space to play with you can use the walls of your house or your fences in different ways to liven up your garden:

  • Grow climbing plants like Ivy or Virginia.
  • Make use of a trellis with a built in planter.
  • Add hanging baskets to your wall and grow plants out of them.

Make the most of space

A simple solution to limited space is to make use of what is there in the best way possible. Instead of leaving a windowsill bare, why not try growing some herbs on it? If you have a window box, why not fill it up with flowers? The best thing to do is to put as much into a small space as you can, don’t limit yourself to just leaving a space empty or having just one potted plant – you can buy stacked planters and pots in which you can plant a variety of different flowers and can plant more than just a single plant.

White is best

Much like interior styling, choosing walls and floors of a lighter colour will make the space around them feel larger. You can choose to paint the brickwork of your house white or if this is too much of a drastic move you can use lighter coloured paving slabs. Before you know it your garden will feel more open and inviting. Further expanding this idea by using white garden accessories will help too – just don’t go overboard and make everything in your garden white or it will look bland and monotonous.


If you have a smaller garden, it might be better suited to do away with the lawn. Choosing to get rid of the lawn means you can replace the space with a patio and paving. While it won’t increase the space available to you, by going for a paved garden you can include more accessories and furniture which can improve your garden, including the following:

  • A table and some garden chairs
  • A pretty double-seated bench
  • Brightly coloured bird boxes
  • Stylish small paving slabs
  • Large, expansive paving slabs

At Knights we can offer our services as paving and landscaping experts if you decide to give your garden a makeover. We can help design the perfect garden for you, no matter what the size, and offer our advice for making the most of the space available to you.

Feel free to contact us on 01603 360548 or drop us an email to to arrange a visit where we can discuss the options available to you.

Small Paving

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