Landscaping Can Prevent Intruders And Deter Pests

Posted on: 01/10/2014

A full garden landscaping can do more for your home than just making it look more attractive. If done in the right way, with thought and care, your own property can help to make thieves think twice and even convince unfriendly wildlife to turn away. With a full garden landscaping known to transform the look of your home and improve the value of your property, now is a great time to think about landscaping work.

How does it work?

You may be thinking ‘If my property looks more attractive and higher quality, won’t that entice potential thieves?’ – the answer to that is actually the complete opposite. If your garden, particularly your hedges and bushes, is uncared for and overgrown it gives off the impression that you don’t care about your home; therefore a potential burglar is likely to think you won’t care much about your house’s security either.

What else can I do?

Keeping your garden looking neat and tidy is just one way deterring thieves. Other ways that you can help to keep your home free from intruders include:

  • Thorny bushes: No one wants to break into a house if there’s a risk that you can get hurt. Planting sharp and thorny bushes beneath your windows will help keep burglars away.
  • Keep the lawn mowed: In the same vein as keeping your bushes trimmed, if you keep your lawn tidy and stop it from over-growing it will show your property is well-maintained and looked after.
  • Fit some lights: Keeping your garden well-lit is an advantage, particularly if done a way that highlights intruders. For example, fitting lights with motion sensors that will go off if someone in the garden will tall thieves you can see them and are keeping an eye out.

What about nature’s intruders?

For intruders that may live in your garden, such as spiders, mosquitos and other insects, keeping them out of your home is a simple matter of carefully selecting which plants to use. Garden experts believe that choosing to plant or pot specific flowers, herbs and plants near your house can deter these pests. Goods plants to choose include citronella, marigolds, basil and lavender.

How can landscaping help?

A full garden landscaping can address many of the issues listed here in this blog and help transform the look of your home at the same time. We offer our services as garden landscapers to help you make your home look as attractive as you want and the best looking house on your street. We guarantee your house will look good as new and injected with a new lease of life.

If you are looking to have your garden landscaped, contact us at Knight’s Landscaping on 01603 360548 or send an email to

Landscaped Garden

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