Looking After Your Lawn This Summer
Posted on: 21/07/2015The summer time is the ideal opportunity to enjoy your garden, resulting in your lawn experiencing more foot traffic than normal. Looking after your lawn requires minimal maintenance if done correctly so we have put together some useful advice on how to keep it in good condition.
It is more than likely that you will need to mow your lawn more regularly during the summer and if the conditions are ideal for growth, you may need to cut it twice a week to keep it looking good. Try and refrain from cutting it too short when it is hot as this can cause damage. If you are going on holiday, cut the lawn normally as close to your leaving date as possible.
Feed and Condition
If you want, you can apply a feed to keep your lawn looking green and healthy – this will protect your lawn from hot, dry weather, as a well-prepared lawn that has been properly fed and treated is able to withstand and recover from drought.
In dry periods, water newly laid turf, sown areas, and high-quality lawns. Leave established lawns unwatered and refrain from mowing as the longer grass will help protect the roots.
Acidic lawns are prone to moss and weed growth – apply a weed killer in the spring or summer and repeat again in the autumn.
We hope these tips have helped you, however, if you're considering giving your garden a new lease of life and need some expert advice then don't hesitate to contact us and we will be able to talk you through your ideas.