Pathways - Curved or Straight?
Posted on: 04/09/2015When faced with two possible paths, the poet Robert Frost famously “…took the one less traveled by…” But his is not the only path-based dilemma that people have to face in life. When having a garden path laid by one of our landscapers, should you opt for straight or curved? Both have their advantages. It all comes down to the effect that you want to achieve.
There is something appealingly straight-forward about the straight path. Perhaps it is the legacy of the Roman road and their reputation for ruthless military efficiency. The straight path knows where it is going and will not dilly-dally on the way. The garden gate is here, the front door is there and the shortest route between them is surely the only sensible option. Another thing to consider if you have teenagers is that they will take the shortest route anyway even if it means cutting across a lawn made muddy by heavy rain.
Relax, take your time, enjoy the garden, avoid that tree. The curved path is an aesthetic experience. The curved path can offset the angularity of the house. It can take you past a flower bed of sweet-smelling musk-roses and eglantine. And of course, sometimes there is a tree or a pond or a rockery between your back door and your shed and the direct path is out of the question.
If you still can't make up your mind which would best suit your property, you could always have a straight path in your front garden and a curved one at the back. Whichever you choose, our landscapers can help you achieve the most from your garden.
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