What should you be asking your landscaping company?

Posted on: 23/04/2014

Many of you will have taken the nice weather as an opportunity to get out into the garden and begin work preparing it for the summer months. Whilst there are many small jobs you can undertake yourself, some of you may have been considering employing professionals to carry out work such as laying paving, creating a driveway or replacing an old fence.

I’m sure you will have seen shows such as the BBC’s Rogue Traders who regularly highlight the shoddy workmanship of cowboy tradesmen. Well over the coming weeks we will be looking in more detail at some of the questions you need to be asking any company you employ to carry out work in your home.

These include:

  • Do they have references from previous projects?
  • Do they have examples of previous work?
  • Are you being pressured into a decision?
  • Do they use their own staff or employ sub-contractors?
  • Do they have samples of the materials they will be using?
  • What insurance do they have?
  • Do they offer free quotations?
  • Is it a fixed price quotation?
  • What guarantees are you receiving for materials and labour?
  • Are you required to make a deposit?
  • Are they an established company or a cold caller?
  • What accreditations does the company have?

We hope the upcoming blogs will help you to avoid landing yourself a cowboy and leave you with a garden you can enjoy for many years to come. In the meantime, if you would like advice with any landscaping project you are planning, do not hesitate to contact me on 01603 360548 or enquiries@knightslandscaping.co.uk.

Landscaped garden and patio

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