Add Some Colour to your Winter Patio with Winter Flowering Plants

Posted on: 17/01/2017

Spring and summer herald intense floral displays and autumn gifts you the glorious golds and russets of the changing leaves. If you want your garden to look beautiful in midwinter too, then you shouldn’t just wait for a snowfall to blanket the barren landscape: there are plenty of winter flowering plants that will add some colour to the raised beds around your patio. Here are some of our favourites.

Winter Bedding Plants

polyanthus flowers

Winter bedding plants will provide a splash of colour by flowering during the milder periods of the winter and then really go for it with the appearance of spring. Reliable winter bedding plants include Cyclamen Coum and Polyanthus - both grow well in borders, beds and window boxes.

Winter Shrubs

Placing some evergreen shrubs in pots on your patio is a reliable way of guaranteeing colour all year round. The leaves of the Japanese Maple, known colloquially as the Crimson Queen, develop a scarlet hue in time for winter. Cooler weather turns the leaves of Hebe pink, giving rise to its common name - Pink Elephant. Both of these shrubs will thrive in free draining containers on your patio. 

Winter Flowers

A bunch of pansies

Where they can be sheltered from frost, you’ll be amazed at what plants will flower, even at this time of year - watch out for early appearances from your pansies, primroses and daisies. For reliable colour, your best bets are winter flowering heather - providing purple, pink and white flowers - and Hellebores - sometimes called the Christmas Rose because of its colourful midwinter displays.

At Knight’s Paving and Landscaping, we have an experienced team of dedicated landscapers that can build you the perfect patio. We can include free-draining raised beds for your favourite plants and shrubs. Call us on 01603 360548 to arrange a preliminary visit where we can discuss your designs and give you a quote.

How do you bring colour to your patio in winter? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter.

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