Eradicate, Clean, Repair and Seal: 4 Steps to Patio Restoration

Posted on: 04/01/2017

An old patio faces a hard time in winter. When the temperature drops, any pooled rainwater sitting in cracked paving slabs can freeze. The thawing and freezing process will gradually cause further damage and after a long winter, a hairline crack can turn into a spider’s web and you may find some slabs are wobbly. Luckily, help is at hand with our patio restoration service. Here are our four steps that will restore your patio to how it looked when it was new laid.

Brickweave Paving


First we remove any moss and weeds that have taken root with commercial grade weed killer. They don’t just look unsightly. Over time, the roots of those weeds can lift up paving slabs.  


Our diesel powered cleaning machines will blast your patio clean. Removing bits of broken slab and any loose jointing and pointing with a power that can’t be matched by a domestic pressure washer.


We will replace and refit broken, sunken and wobbly paving slabs on to a firm base of kiln dried sand. All the slab and brickwork will be rejoined and repointed.


Our powerful sealant is not available from DIY stores. This waterproof sealant will prevent the return of weeds - meaning less maintenance for you to carry out in the future.

Call Knight’s Paving and Landscaping and take us up on the offer of a complete paving restoration for your patio or driveway. Our number is 01603 360548.

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