5 Tips for Maintaining your Patio This Winter

Posted on: 11/11/2015

The days are short at this time of year - but it is still worth getting out into your garden at the weekend. A bit of maintenance work at this time of year can mean a whole lot less bother come springtime, and what’s true for the garden is true for the patio. Here are our top five maintenance tips. Don’t worry, we haven’t included anything too strenuous - you’ll be back inside by the fire with a glass of mulled cider before you know it!

1. Sweep up fallen leaves 

This can seem like a never ending job in autumn, but we are nearing the end of the annual fall now.

2. Scrape off any vegetation that has appeared 

Now that you can see what you are doing, remove any moss or small weeds that may have broken through. Spray with a weedkiller to prevent them taking root.

3. Give the slabs a good wash down 

If you don’t have a power hose, a bucket of soapy water and a stiff broom will do.

4. Fill any gaps with polymeric sand 

Over time, weeds and insects and erosion can leave the gaps between your paving slabs exposed. Treat them to a top-up of this special sand, available from DIY stores.

5. A gentle misting 

Sweep off any debris that is left on the slabs and mist those gaps that you have refilled to help the sand settle in.

If all of this sounds like too much hard work, or if you notice cracked or wobbly slabs that look like they could use some more professional attention, don’t forget that we provide a complete restoration service. Patios are expensive to install, so if you have spent that money to improve your garden, it is worth making sure that your patio is in tip-top condition for use all year round. 

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