5 Ways to Bring Spring into Your Garden
Posted on: 09/03/2016The best thing about bulbs is that, once planted, they will come back year after year in the same spot. For very little effort, you will be rewarded at the end of each winter with the snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils that herald the arrival of spring. These flowers are like a beacon beckoning you back to the garden, and at this time of the year, there’s lots to do…
1. Rake It Up
Winter debris must be removed from your lawn and drainage paths must be unclogged. Make sure everything you remove goes straight into your compost bin. Raking your lawn will also reveal any bare patches that might need reseeding before you start to use your lawn more heavily.
2. Planting Out
It’s a bit early for planting out seedlings yet as there may still be a hard frost. If you have a greenhouse with a small heater that can be lit at night then you can start getting ahead of the game. It’s not long before you will be planting your early crop of potatoes, so you might want to start chitting them somewhere warm and dark.

3. Prune Your Fruit Trees
This is the time of year to clip back your fruit trees. This task must be done before the buds start appearing or you may damage the tree, resulting in a poor crop later in the year.
4. Examine Your Driveway and Patio
Cold weather and frost can take their toll on an old patio. Give any paved areas a thorough sweep and examine for any cracks or wobbly slabs that might have appeared over the winter. Check out our three steps to paving restoration to see how we can restore any paved area to its former glory.
5. Fix up Your Fencing
Relentless high winds and lashing rain can damage your fences and trellises. A visual inspection of all woodwork is a good idea at this time of year. The replacement of rotten or warped panels can stop the problem from spreading. If you think it’s time for a new fence, ask one of our experts for a quote.
It feels great to be out in the garden again in springtime, getting your garden ready for summer. Our workload picks up at this time of year and we have a lot of jobs lined up for 2016. If you want a driveway or patio installed or your garden landscaped, give us a call on 01603 360548.