5 Garden Projects to Try this National Gardening Week
Posted on: 11/04/2016It’s National Gardening Week from 11th to 17th April 2016, and there are so many ways you and your garden can get involved. We’re keeping up on all the action on Twitter at @KnightsNorfolk, so don’t miss out – follow us! If you’re still stuck on what to do this National Gardening Week, here are a few garden project ideas to try.
1. Build a Dry Stone Wall
There are all sorts of techniques for dry-stone walling. An expert can tell what county they are in by the style of wall. The basics can be learnt very quickly and, as there is no mortar, they are easy to dismantle. A dry stone wall in your garden will quickly be colonised by lichen and moss that will feed and nest a variety of small creatures, so it’s a great way to make your garden more wildlife-friendly.

2. Plant a Night-Scented Garden
Some plants release a heady scent at night to encourage pollination by night insects such as moths. The white variety of Buddleia is one famous variety. Others include Jasmine, Evening Primrose and Honeysuckle. All are easy to grow outdoors in the British climate.
3. Create a Sensory Garden
Sensory gardens are a beautiful addition to any garden, and can particularly benefit people with sensory impairments, dementia and other mental health conditions. Read our blog on how to create a sensory garden for tips.
4. Plant a Tree
A tree is a wonderful addition to a garden. They can provide shade, fruit, spring and autumn displays of colour. Buy a small tree of 1-2m in height and it will establish quickly. More mature trees don’t respond well to being moved.
5. Host a Garden Party
The weather is getting warm enough to fire up the barbecue and invite a few neighbours round to stand on the patio, drink a cold beer and criticise your dry-stone walling efforts.
Do you like the idea of hosting a garden party, but worry that your garden isn’t quite up to scratch? Get your garden into shape for summer by booking our full landscaping service. We can shape your borders, turf your lawn, level your patio and dig you a pond. Call us on 01603 360548 for a quote.