Get Ready for National Gardening Week, 11-17 April!
Posted on: 08/04/2016Next week is National Gardening Week, so look out for gardening events big and small all over the country. You could even host your own event in your garden. April is the perfect time to get out in your garden and National Gardening Week is all about encouraging people to try their hand at something new in the garden.
Get Fit in the Garden
This year’s theme of National Gardening Week is ‘Get Fit in the Garden’, and there are all kinds of activities you can do in your garden to enhance your wellbeing. At RHS Garden Wisley, Tai Chi and family fitness classes will be held to demonstrate how getting out in the garden can improve your health.
RHS Garden Wisley’s Curator, Matthew Pottage, says:
“At the RHS Gardens we will be looking at ways to show how everyday activities such as digging, raking and hoeing can keep you fit, and how the garden can be used for exercise and having fun.â€

15 April: National Open Gardens Day
National Open Gardens Day is a great chance to visit a garden for free that normally charges for entry. Leading the campaign is the RHS, who are throwing open the doors to their four beautiful gardens in North Devon, Surrey, Essex, and North Yorkshire on 15 April. Many other gardens are joining them, so check out the National Gardening Week website and find one that’s near you.
The RHS says:
“We hope that National Open Gardens Day will give everyone in the UK a chance to visit a garden for free and take home ideas and projects for their own gardens, however big or small.â€
Organise Your Own National Gardening Week Event
If you want to get involved with National Gardening Week, you can host your own event. Whether you want to go all-out with a garden party to celebrate the warmer spring weather, organise a litter pick to help protect the local environment, or plant an eco-friendly garden to give nature a home, the RHS has heaps of ideas and resources on their website.
If you’ve been inspired by National Garden Week, why not get your garden in shape for summer with our full landscaping service. Call us on 01603 360548 for a pressure-free quote.