100% Recommended by Our Customers

Posted on: 23/06/2016

We’ve had a lot of great feedback from satisfied customers over the years. When we redesigned our website, we decided to include a page for testimonials so that visitors can see for themselves what our customers have to say about our work.

People have been posting positive reviews about our work on the Norfolk Trusted Traders website since 2012. Our overall satisfaction rating is 96%, much higher than most paving and landscaping companies.

There are more reviews on our Google+ page – all with five stars.

Customer Testimonial

The positive reviews keep coming. Just a few days ago, we received this wonderful testimonial from a happy customer.

Customer Testimonial

If you are looking for a professional company to install your new driveway or patio, call us on 01603 360548 to arrange a free quote.

To keep up to date with all of our news, including any new testimonials we receive, follow us on Facebook or on Twitter at @KnightsNorfolk. 

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