The New Fashion for Slate Patios

Posted on: 10/01/2017

Slate patios are having their moment in the sun, so to speak. Natural stone patios have been increasing in popularity over the last few years and slate is emerging as a favourite material. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons for this sudden spike in popularity.

A black slate tile

A Brief History of Slate

Slate is a remarkable building material. When cut by an expert knapper, this dark stone will split along its lines of foliation into large flat sheets - perfect for snooker tables, cheeseboards, roofing tiles and, of course, paving slabs. Slate has a long history as a building material in the UK. Historically, it was used mostly in Wales, Scotland and the West Country because, although easy to mine, it was too heavy to transport across the country. Until the arrival of mechanised transport, it was rare to see it here in sandy Norfolk. 

The Current Popularity of Slate

Slate’s current popularity appears to be part of a trend towards darker shades that is being seen in the wider building industry. Where people are opting for darker wood stains for their doors and window frames, they are also seeking darker stones for their patios and driveways. Slate comes in a variety of shades of blue, black and gray making it the perfect material for those wishing to employ darker tones in their garden.

Manufactured in the UK

There are still plenty of slate quarries in the UK manufacturing high quality slate paving slabs. If you are concerned about the provenance of your tiles, then by buying slate slabs from a Welsh slate quarry, you will know that they come with a lower carbon footprint than ones imported by boat from China.

At Knight’s Paving and Landscaping, our experienced team will work to your design to build you the patio you have always wanted. We can supply the materials or we can work with particular paving slabs that you have bought for yourself. Call us on 01603 360548 to arrange a preliminary visit and quotation.

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