6 Winter Lawn Care Tips

Posted on: 24/01/2017

The British love a lawn. A small grassy field forms the centrepiece of many British gardens. We all know that, in the summer, a lawn needs regular mowing to stop the grass growing tall and going to seed, but how should you care for your lawn in winter to make sure it stays healthy? Follow our six winter lawn care tips and your lawn will be looking lush and green come spring.

frosty grass at sunrise
  1. Let it Rest. Your teenage son may be upset not to get his fortnightly fiver for mowing the lawn, but at this time of year, unless it is unseasonably warm, it is best to let your lawn rest.
  2. Rake Up Fallen Leaves. Where do they come from? Autumn was ages ago!
  3. Remove Large Weeds. Weed out any dandelions and rosette thistles. Smaller weeds such as clover you can disregard.
  4. Stay off the Grass. Avoid walking on your lawn, especially after frost or heavy rain.
  5. Aerate. This is important if any puddles form on your lawn after heavy winter rains. Take a fork, push it into the ground beneath the puddle as far as it will go and waggle it about. Repeat this process until all the water has drained away to prevent your grass from drowning.
  6. Sharpen Tools. This is a good time of year to service your lawn mower and sharpen your edging shears before their seasons of heavy use.

These simple steps should keep your lawn healthy, however if you are looking out to a patchy and weed-ridden disaster, it may be best to start again. At Knight’s Paving and Landscaping we offer a full landscaping service that has transformed many a garden. We can lay patios, dig ponds, cut flowerbeds and borders and turf you a brand new lawn. 

If you would like to know more about our landscaping service, or our driveway and patio installation services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Call us on 01603 360538 or send us an email at enquiries@knightslandscaping.co.uk.

Share your winter lawn care tips with us on Facebook and Twitter at @KnightsNorfolk.

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